

I think I'm coming down with something. Ew. At least if I get sick, it would be a good excuse to sit around and read. (always look at the bright side, right?)

Anyway. Brief recap of where I've been since Traveling Mercies...

The Great Divorce: I love this book so much. It's so abstract and philosophical in some points, but so poetic in its imagery of the mysteries of Heaven, Hell, and redemption. A short, but great read, and a nice one to revisit...

A Wind in the Door: Follow-up to L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time (another of my all-time favorites). Every bit as mysterious, but this time bringing the focus from the planets and galaxies to the realms of microbiology. The final battle for the mitochondrian world was stunning. She's officially on the list of my favorite authors ever at this point.

And now... I've borrowed Christ the Lord by Anne Rice on a recommendation. After reading an interview with her from Relevant magazine, I was curious about it -- I mean, vampire novels to Jesus? Fascinating. I just wasn't too sure if I would enjoy a novelization of Jesus' early life. But my Bible study teacher highly praised/recommended it, and I had a chance to borrow from a co-worker, so why not?

We shall see. I'm not far enough into it to have an opinion yet, but it looks promising.

Already nearly a third of the way into 2007! Currently... I've finished 12 books.

Darn. Need pick up the pace here. :P

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