Well, after a minor lull, I think I'm getting back into the swing of regular reading. Yay me.
Traveling Mercies was wonderful. I was so so tempted to pick up Anne Lamott's new book Grace (Eventually) today, but I resisted. But still, I loved this collection of essays. I debated about buying it for a long time... flipped through a few times and wondered if it would be for me. But I had a nice coupon at Borders, so I thought I'd give her a shot. I'm glad I did.
I figure a book that challenges you, that makes you just a touch uncomfortable can be a good thing. That's how I feel about Lamott. She is not your average Christian writer... but she is earthy and raw and honest, and that's why I enjoyed it so much. She may not mind dropping an f-bomb now and then, but if you can look past that and some theological mis-steps to the heart of what she's saying, there are quite a few gems of wisdom underneath. She writes with the honesty of someone who is still seeking, still trying, has been through a lot... but still loves Jesus and trusts through it all.
If I had read this about 5 years ago, I would have probably hated it and been shocked that it would even be found in the Christian books... but I guess all the college literature classes corrupted me or something. I don't agree with everything she writes, but some of her words are so wise and touching, I can't help but appreciate it. Plus, she's got a great literary style all her own. I will definitely be checking out her other books later.
Next in line: re-reading The Great Divorce by C. S. Lewis. I must admit... my main reason is because I was sort of put on the spot in my workplace Bible study group. ("Has anyone read The Great Divorce? No? *looks right at me* I bet you have!")
So I guess I have the reputation of C. S. Lewis fan now. :) Yes, I had actually read it before... but it has been so long I couldn't remember what happened to Hell in the end. Time to revisit the Ghosts and their bus ride to Heaven...
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