
So many pages... not enough time...

After wandering through Barnes & Noble, making note of all kinds of titles on a Subway napkin, and then just now updating The List, I've come to terms with two facts:

1) I am way too fascinated with teen/young adult fantasy fiction. I should seriously not fall into a rut and broaden my horizons, but... don't deny what you like!
2) I will never be able to read everything that catches my eye. There's just not enough time. :)

But, it's all good... do what I can, maybe scratch some stuff from the list.

Anyway. A Grief Observed.

Halfway through... I would finish it now, but it's in the car. :P It's such a slim book, I think given a good uninterrupted couple of hours I might have worked through it in one sitting.

That said, it's a beautiful, heartbreaking little book. My readings from C. S. Lewis (Narnia, Mere Christianity, Surprised by Joy, The Space Trilogy, etc.) have always given me the impression of the logical, old Irish intellectual guy, but I would say this is the deepest, most personal work I've ever read by him. The personal journals after his wife Joy's death drop any sort of pretense to truly define the real nature of grieving. I love the honesty, how he never glosses over the reality of grief, or attempts to explain it away. Like The Great Divorce and Mere Christianity, I have a feeling that I'll return to this one in my personal library for many years to come.

More thoughts on A Grief Observed once I finish it...

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